Two New Tall Things Online!!!

Two new cool developments on the tall front that I just discovered:

1) The other day, I thought to myself, could there be a tall group on Linkedin? For those that don’t know, it’s a website specifically for professional networking. It’s actually intended for you to be stalkable so you can post all your professional goings-on for the world to see and decide if they should employ you.

Long story short, THERE’S A TALL GROUP ON LINKEDIN!!! The members have extremely diverse professional backgrounds as well as countries of origin with members from the US, UK, India and even China. If you want to check it out or join in, click here or check out the link in the side bar.

2) All this linkedin business from the other day led one of the members to direct me to a Ning group called If you haven’t tried Ning out yet, it let’s you create your own social networking for a specific group very easily. It creates little niche versions of Facebook/Myspace for lack of a better example. I’m going to cruise around on it and I’ll let you know what I think in the future.

And yesterday, I flew back to San Francisco. Fortunately, my plane was next to empty so I got the first seat again, but I thought you might like this video.

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